No pairings are set until they are paired, nothing is guaranteed until there are hatchlings. Some pairings are more possibilities than firm plans. But here is some insight into what will be getting produced here in 2020. Pairings marked as priority are on the definite plans. Tangerine/TremperTangerine 66% ph Tremper Albino x Blood Tangerine 3 Egg Tangerine 50% ph Tremper Albino X Tangerine het Tremper Albino 4 Eggs Clown G/Electric Cross het Tremper Albino x W&Y Tremper Albino ph Eclipse 7 Eggs Ghost/Murphy PatternlessAlbey's LBS Cross x Albey's Dominant Snow Ghost 6 Eggs Black Night Cross het Murphy Patternless x Mack Snow het Murphy Patternless 6 Eggs Murphy Patternless x Ghost 6 Eggs FireboldsFirebold X Firebold 3 Eggs Firebold x Firebold 8 Eggs Bold StripesMack Snow Lavender Bold Stripe x Lavender Cross Bold Stripe 8 Eggs Bold Stripe x Bold Stripe 25% ph Tremper 8 Eggs Bold Stripe 25% ph Tremper x Bold Tremper Albino ph Eclipse 5 Eggs Bold Tremper Albino 50% ph Eclipse x Bold Stripe low ph Tremper 5 Eggs BellsW&Y Red Stripe Bell Albino ph Eclipse x Red Stripe Bell Albino 50% ph Eclipse 7 Eggs Rainwater AlbinoRed Stripe Rainwater Albino ph Eclipse x W&Y het Rainwater Albino ph Eclipse
2 Eggs