Mack Snow
Mack snow is an incomplete dominant gene. A one copy mack snow baby is a single gene animal while the super form, or super snow, is a two gene animal. There can be some issues, especially with the super form. Super Snow babies often show flatter heads or a 'duckbill' appearance to the face. They can also have a reputation for being poor eaters or staying thin. The original mack snows were very inbred animals, and this is theorized to be the origin of at least most of these issues. Extra care should be taken in choosing breeders for any super snow projects to ensure offspring fitness and vitality.
While I personally have not produced any slow growers/poor eating babies, I have purchased animals that showed such faults as they grew. I let them go to good pet homes rather than using them in my projects, and I would encourage others to take the same care in working with your projects.
A good and popular pure subspecies used to outcross in lighter mack snow projects is eublepharis fascio. Michelle Gianvecchio (Rampant Reptiles) spoke about doing so and the results she achieved here at Gecko Nation Radio.
While I personally have not produced any slow growers/poor eating babies, I have purchased animals that showed such faults as they grew. I let them go to good pet homes rather than using them in my projects, and I would encourage others to take the same care in working with your projects.
A good and popular pure subspecies used to outcross in lighter mack snow projects is eublepharis fascio. Michelle Gianvecchio (Rampant Reptiles) spoke about doing so and the results she achieved here at Gecko Nation Radio.
When mack snows are born, the yellow/orange portions of their coloration is normally an opaque white, or very near white. This lighter coloration lasts fairly long in their juvenile development, but they will color eventually and into adulthood can be difficult to differentiate from non-mack snow adults.
Mack Snow Eclipse het Murphy Patternless
Mack Snow Tremper Albino Eclipse pos het Blizzard
Mack Snow with some bold lineage
Super Snow het Murphy Patternless
Total Eclipse/Super Snow Eclipse - Super Snow already creates black eyes in the hatchling, so you must look for white markers to identify eclipse. Not all are as high white as this, but one must be careful as due to line breeding for higher white, and het eclipse sometimes providing white markers, you can have a slightly white nosed super snow that is not a visual eclipse.
I personally err on the side of caution and would label that as a possible eclipse.
I personally err on the side of caution and would label that as a possible eclipse.
Super Snow Eclipse Paradox Spot het MP
Mack Super Snow Tremper Albino Eclipses are born pink
Mack Snow Tremper Eclipse - Note still born pink, similar to super snow tremper. Usually need to wait for them to develop to differentiate.
Murphy Patternless
Murphy Patternless babies hatch with semi-transparent patterning along the neck and spine. As they age, this completely clears and they end up a flatly colored adult, usually without color on their tails. Marcia McGuinness (Golden Gate Geckos) developed a line of Murphy patternless that carried some amount of carrot tailing.
Murphy Patternless are born yellow
Mack Snow Murphy Patternless are born white/grey
Super Snow Murphy Patternless are born flat grey and do not develop pattern
Murphy Patternless are born yellow
Mack Snow Murphy Patternless are born white/grey
Super Snow Murphy Patternless are born flat grey and do not develop pattern
Murphy Patternless Eclipse
Mack Snow Murphy Patternless
Mack Super Snow Murphy Patternless
Note: Super Snows hatch identical to SSMP, so you have to wait and see if pattern develops.
Also of note, het murphy patternless and het blizzard can have a marker of speckling and tighter spot patterning. The middle super snow is het murphy patternless, the last is definitely not. This method is not 100% accurate, but is a tool to keep in mind.
Also of note, het murphy patternless and het blizzard can have a marker of speckling and tighter spot patterning. The middle super snow is het murphy patternless, the last is definitely not. This method is not 100% accurate, but is a tool to keep in mind.
Importance of Record Keeping
Red Stripe Rainwater Albino
Red Stripe Bell Albino